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How to Stay Healthy, According to Frugal Dietitians

Health is something everybody should afford.

We managed to contact dietitians who also care about financial well-being, and they want to help you maintain your health without breaking the bank by offering you some cost-effective strategies you should follow.

Using these tips, your creativity, and an attitude of mindful spending, you will be able to achieve optimal health and feel amazing. The best part? Almost EVERY hack in this article is within your budget – see it for yourself:

healthy home cooking
Photo by Shift Drive from Shutterstock

Enjoy cooking at home

Home cooking is the best idea to eat healthy food without spending lots of money. Eating fast food will keep you away from a healthy life, while dining out all the time may bring you to bankruptcy. So, it’s pretty obvious that this is the best alternative, according to our dietitians.

Dieticians advise you to utilize seasonal products because they are tastier and cheaper, to bulk staples, and to not waste food by using the leftovers for your next meal. It’s easy to find budget-friendly recipes everywhere, and you shouldn’t hesitate to use various cooking techniques and tools. A good tip is to buy bulk staple foods such as frozen vegetables, beans, and grains. This will reduce the costs and provide various meals.

Plan your groceries

It’s easier if you plan a weekly meal plan that will keep you away from impulse purchasing. Compare the prices from all the grocery stores and go for the cheapest products. Use all the coupons you have. Be aware of their loyalty programs. Avoid processed foods, as they are unhealthy and more expensive. Choose foods that provide valuable nutrition, and it’s worth spending your money on.

When you buy an ingredient for your recipe, you better opt for a no-name alternative to not end up spending more money on brands than on food. You can also subscribe to a meal delivery local service that will be worth paying for if you don’t have enough time to spend on the road or to find all the items you need in the store and carry them home.

Include fruits and vegetables in your diet

They are amazing for your health, and they should be a priority because they are rich sources of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. As we said, go for the seasonal ones, but explore the canned or frozen varieties when you can’t find them fresh. A nice thing would be to grow your own herbs and even try to dry your spices.

You can also get yourself into a community-supported agriculture program to be in contact with local farmers, which will provide good-quality, fresh fruits and vegetables and great deals. Plus, you can pre-cut and store your veggies in the fridge for easy access when you want to eat a meal fast.

Sleep better

You should aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night to support your physical and mental health. It may be difficult to achieve this, but if you adopt a relaxing bedtime routine and create a sleep-conductive environment, you can get there. A tip to regulate your body’s internal clock is to be consistent with your sleep schedule, so you need to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.

Try relaxation techniques, like gentle yoga, meditation, or deep breathing before sleeping, and ensure you create the right sleep environment that should be dark, quiet, and cool. In the hours leading up to bedtime, avoid caffeine or alcohol.

Consume less sugar

Juices, sugary sodas, and energy drinks should be replaced with healthier alternatives. Boost your nutrition with herbal infusions, unsweetened tea, diluted fruit juice, and, of course, water.

Water infused with slices of fruits or vegetables, such as cucumbers, can be an appealing alternative that will keep you well-hydrated and healthy. You can also try homemade herbal teas like chamomile, ginger, or peppermint when you want to have a caffeine-free drink.

Make yogurt-based smoothies and add a touch of honey and fruits for natural sweetness. Use seasonal fruits and vegetables for your smoothies to enjoy fresher flavors and save money.

healthy snakcs
Photo by Josep Suria from Shutterstock

Create mindful, healthy snacks

Nutrient-dense snacks such as nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables are a good choice. You should also go for boiled eggs or yogurt, granola bars, and energy bites as a convenient option to steer clear of processed fat snacks. Practice mindful snacking by following some strategies. For example, you should control your portions, use small containers, and help regulate intake. Combine healthy fats with protein and fiber. You can choose Greek yogurt with berries and chia seeds or apple slices with almond butter.

It’s important to eat slowly, without distractions, and fully appreciate and enjoy your snacks. By not eating mindlessly, you will improve your overall satisfaction.

DIYing your snacks can be fun, so make your own by roasting chickpeas or making kale chips. This is not only healthier than the snacks you can find in stores but also economical. You can incorporate superfoods that are decently priced, such as flaxseeds, oats, or bananas, into your snacks to add even more nutritional value. Also, plan and prepare your snacks from time to time to know what options you have available and reduce the temptation of reaching for other unhealthy choices.

Another very important tip is to stay hydrated because sometimes thirst can be mistaken for hunger. Before reaching for a snack, make sure you drink water to know if you eat because you are hungry or just dehydrated. Sugary and high-calorie snacks should be replaced with healthier alternatives. For example, go for air-popped popcorn instead of chips.

Keep a variety in your snacks and experiment with different ingredients, like homemade hummus or homemade energy bars.

Learn to manage stress

To manage stress, you have a lot of handy techniques, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, and being outside in nature. Don’t hesitate to inform yourself and take advantage of all the resources we have access to, like guided meditation videos, apps, online yoga classes, or going for a local community group that can offer these stress relief activities.

To be able to make them function for you, a short meditation or breathing exercises should be integrated into your everyday activities, so you need to practice them daily, not only to become better and better but also to maintain a constant low level of stress and create a safe space for yourself that you know you have access to every day, no matter what.

Utilize all the free platforms that provide meditation routines or relaxation exercises for different skill levels. Take into consideration attending wellness programs that include fitness classes or stress-reducing workshops.

Don’t underestimate the power of simply being outdoors in parks or gardens. You will get a lot of benefits from the calming effect of nature. Moreover, you can keep a stress journal to reflect and identify your feelings, as well as the triggers. This will help you manage and reduce stress.

You can order this elegant journal via Amazon, to monitor your behavior and become more mindful and relaxed.

Photo by Ground Picture from Shutterstock

Do regular checkups

Catching potential health concerns early will provide effective treatment options, and it will most likely be more affordable. You can go for low-cost clinics or even community health centers or other available programs because when the urge doesn’t exist, you have more time to find affordable solutions and places.

It’s important to stay up to date with the recommended vaccinations and see which ones are available on public health programs or at a low cost. Also, take full advantage of the preventive services covered by your health insurance, like annual exams and screenings, at no cost.

Incorporating all these strategies will help you maintain your health at its highest and provide you with all your body needs with minimum expenses.

Read next: 8 Eco-Friendly Money-Saving Tips for a Greener Life

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