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6 Easy Ways to Make Your Furniture Last Longer

Do you know how to make your furniture last longer?

We all know that good furniture is expensive, and this is why you might want to know about the best tips to make your furniture last longer.

Today we are living in a world where everything is about trends and disposable goods, but nothing can replace some high-quality furniture that is made to last the test of time.

But even if you have furniture like this in your home, you should be aware that if you are not taking care of it properly, it will deteriorate rather quickly.

Today, we want to share with you some key information about how to make your furniture last longer. Learn how to take care of it because, after all, it is an integral part of our homes and lives.

make your furniture last longer
Photo by sukiyaki from

1. Avoid direct exposure to sunlight

People always forget about this, but the UV rays that enter your home can cause a lot of damage to various items. And one of these items is none other than your beloved furniture. If you want to make your furniture last longer, do your best and try to hide it from the sunlight.

And maybe you’ve heard that this only applies to furniture that is left outside, but this is not true. Obviously, the furniture will deteriorate much faster if left outside, but the one you have inside your house will also be affected by the sunlight.

But how do UV rays affect the furniture more precisely? Well, it can cause the wood to crack and warp and also make the paint fade. Believe it or not, sunlight is one of the leading causes of furniture damage!

To protect your furniture from the damaging rays of the sun, try to use good-quality window covers, and also never store your delicate furniture right near the window.

2. Never place hot objects on the furniture

Most of the time, people take their furniture for granted and don’t care at all about what is happening to it. They let their pets sit on the furniture; they put their feet on it, and sometimes they even put hot objects on it without thinking about the consequences.

But when you want to make your furniture last longer, this is not the way to go. If you want your furniture to be a beautiful addition to your home and be there for the long haul, you need to think twice before placing anything on it.

The number one rule for placing objects on the furniture is to never place hot objects! They can cause major damage, and we are sure you don’t want that to happen. For example, a microwaved bowl or a cup of coffee that has been spilled can leave marks that will remain there forever.

So always keep hot objects off the furniture! You will thank us later.

3. Choose the cleaning products wisely

One of the best tips that can make your furniture last longer is to clean it regularly. Usually, people clean the furniture when they consider it time for cleaning, but things don’t work like this.

Your furniture needs a deep cleaning more often than you might expect, and if you want to make your furniture last longer, you should respect this routine. But there is another mistake about this, and you should be aware of it: using the right cleaning products.

The cleaning products you are using are a vital part of this routine, and this is why you should know what to buy. Using the wrong products can severely damage your furniture or, even more, completely destroy it!

Never use harsh chemicals, as these can make the wood sensible and more susceptible to scratches. Also, repeated cleanings with these harsh chemicals will transform your function into a victim of wear and tear more quickly than it should.

Before using any chemical cleaner, take a damp cloth and wipe down the furniture using only water. Keep in mind that the cloth should be just a little bit damp, not soaking wet. After this, make sure you use a cleaner that is specifically designed for the type of furniture you want to clean, and don’t forget to test it beforehand in an inconspicuous area.

4. Be gentle whenever moving furniture

At some point, all of us needed to move furniture, but have we done it the right way? This is a big project, and whether you are moving from your current home, need to renovate a room, or just want to rearrange a little bit, you need to be really careful because this task can take a big toll on your furniture.

We know that the easiest way is to throw all you have inside a truck and hope for the best, but this is not a good approach if you want to make your furniture last longer. Proper precautions are needed if you want to protect it from damage.

The easiest thing you can do, and also the most expensive one, is to hire professional movers. They know how to move your belongings in a safe way, and you can be sure they will not damage or scratch your furniture.

But if you don’t have the money and you want to do this job by yourself, there are a few things you should know. Your more delicate furniture items should be treated the best. This is why you will wrap them in a blanket, and if they are heavy, you can use some dollies to move them around.

Also, take your time. When you want to make your furniture last longer, you can’t rush and bump it into the walls or other objects. Be careful, and always make a plan before moving furniture.

5. Time for some polish

If you have old wood pieces and you want to make your furniture last longer and also look the best, you will need to polish them. And in the same fashion as cleaning, you will need to do this more frequently than you might think.

You know that deep, rich glow you can see when looking at the furniture in a museum? That look is given by regular polishing. So, if you want your furniture to look like that, you better start doing this as soon as possible.

Besides looks, polishing has some utility because it actively protects the furniture from scratches and fading. Also, it will be much harder for dust to settle on your furniture if it is carefully polished.

So, if you want to make your furniture last longer and also look great in the long run, you can start by giving it a good polish.

make your furniture last longer
Photo by smrm1977 from

6. Don’t let your pets destroy your furniture

We love our pets, but do you know how much damage they can cause to furniture? Letting pets sit on the furniture is so harmful, and it is even worse for the more delicate pieces.

All of these problems are caused by scratches, dirt, hair, and sometimes even bugs! When you want to make your furniture last longer, a good rule to follow is to never let your pet interact with it.

And we know that this is hard and sometimes almost impossible, but there are some tricks you can use. For example, if you have cats that love to scratch the couch or your armchairs, you can try using slipcovers. They can save the day by protecting your furniture from potential damage and, even more, from hair.

Microfiber cloth is the perfect type of cloth to clean your furniture. If you need new microfiber cloths, these ones you can buy from Amazon are amazing: Amazon Basics Microfiber Cleaning Cloths, Non-Abrasive, Reusable and Washable

You should also read: 11 Frugal Ways to Save Money on Your Laundry Cycles

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