Be Frugal! Save Money and Eat Healthy by Following These 10 Tips

Save money and eat healthy? Is this even possible? Let’s find out together! 

Sadly, in the past year, everything has gradually gotten super expensive, and food isn’t an exception, especially the healthy ones. Even though eating should be just a daily and simple activity because we need it for survival, it gets complicated in so many ways.

Because of this inflation and the skyrocketing prices, it’s pretty hard to eat healthy and nutritiously and also stay on a budget. Well, the good news is that there are plenty of ways in which you can save money and eat healthy. All you need to do is carefully read our article.

save money and eat healthy
Photo by Dragon Images from Shutterstock

1. Buy only the things you put on the shopping list

We don’t remember how many times we’ve stressed this advice about following your shopping list as much as possible. But with the risk of repeating ourselves, we must understand how important this is.

If you want to save money and eat healthy, start by making a shopping list. Plan your meals for the entire week, know exactly what you and your family want to eat, and start writing everything down. This will take us to the next point of the article.

2. Never buy more than you actually need

This one goes hand in hand with the shopping list, and it’s a great way to save money and eat healthy by limiting yourself to purchasing only the things you need. If you struggle to make a shopping list, check out various phone apps that are easy to use. One of our favorites is “OUR GROCERIES.”

Examining your desires and requirements thoroughly before doing something may also be beneficial. Do you really need to buy cookies every few days for breakfast, or are you just craving them as a sweet treat? Or that bottle of soda?

3. Cook instead of ordering

Compared to eating out or buying meals, cooking at home may often be much less expensive. In most cases, you can provide for a family of four for the same cost as dining out for one or two individuals. So, instead of picking up takeout at the last minute, make it a practice to cook at home.

Some people prefer to prepare all of their meals for the upcoming week on the weekends, while others only make one meal each day. Cooking for oneself has several advantages, including the ability to control the exact components in your food and the ability to save money.

4. Buy from local farmers

One way to be frugal, save money, and eat healthily is to buy products from local farmers. Most of them, if not all, are way cheaper than supermarkets, and you will know for sure they’re natural too!

Nothing compares to knowing precisely where your food is coming from. It is much more probable that you will consume fresh, local fruits and vegetables than anything you will find in your local supermarket. The best part is that you’ll be helping out local farmers.

While the veggies at your farmers’ market can appear more costly, they are actually not so expensive when you realize that the same quality would cost far more in your supermarket.

5. Opt for frozen fruits and vegetables

A lot of people tend to be afraid of buying frozen foods because they consider them less healthy. But let us tell you a secret: this is just a myth! According to nutritionists, frozen fruits and vegetables are as healthy as fresh ones, only less expensive.

You are more likely to purchase and consume more frozen vegetables since they are more practical and simpler to cook than fresh vegetables. Additionally, they don’t spoil as rapidly as fresh veggies, which may spoil if you don’t eat them within a few days. And given that fresh veggies might lose some of the nutrients they contain after being stored in the fridge for a while, they are just as nutrient-dense.

That’s why, if you want to save money and eat healthy, buying frozen fruits or vegetables is a very good idea! We recommend buying them in bulk because they will be considerably cheaper like this.

Meal prep is nice, especially if you want to save money and eat healthy, but you must avoid putting your food in plastic containers. Therefore, here at Frugal Americans, we recommend you switch to BPA-free glass containers, and you can safely use them in microwaves and freezers. The pack of 10 containers is only $29.99 on Amazon!

6. Buy generic brands

Almost every product is available at most retailers under generic names. Don’t be afraid to purchase them because all food producers are required to adhere to guidelines to ensure safe food. These off-the-shelf brands typically have the same quality as more expensive, well-known names. To avoid purchasing a product that is of poorer quality than the leading national brand or that has unanticipated additional substances or allergies, carefully review the ingredient list.

save money and eat healthy
Photo by Alexander Raths from Shutterstock

7. Go for cuts of meat

Another way to save money and eat healthy is to opt for cuts of meat. Look for ground beef or poultry, entire chickens, pig top sirloin steaks, or chuck steaks. Burritos, casseroles, soups, stews, and stir fries are all excellent dishes to utilize them in, and the best part about these recipes is that they keep well as leftovers!

Purchasing a large, affordable cut of meat to prepare for multiple meals throughout the week can be practical.

8. Produce that’s in season is always cheaper

If you want to save money and eat healthier, opt for produce that’s in season whenever you have the opportunity. And if it’s possible, buy them by bag! This is less expensive than buying them piece by piece.

Additionally, this is a nice way to get all the nutrients and vitamins that your body needs with less money. If you bought more than you need, don’t worry because you can freeze them later.

9. Bulk is better

One of the best ways to save money and eat healthy is to buy in bulk. While most of the time people get mixed feelings about this, we tell you this: buying some products in bulk can save you a lot of money.

For example, rice, oats, flour, beans, nuts, and even some types of pasta are available in bulk. These items are perishable, so you can store them in the pantry for a long time. Plus, they are so versatile, that you can use them to make a lot of nutritious foods! Win-win, right?

10. Never go shopping when you’re hungry!

You just give in to your urges for quick, inexpensive, and unhealthy food when you’re hungry. According to a study, those who haven’t consumed anything in a few hours make less nutritious meal selections and buy more high-calorie goods.

The survey also revealed an intriguing fact: hungry customers buy the same number of low-calorie meals as those who do not. However, in addition to the low-calorie foods, they frequently buy things rich in calories. So when you’re hungry, you can add a lot more stuff to your cart—much of it is not what your body actually requires.

What about you? Do you save money and eat healthy? Let us know in the comments.

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