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8 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Buy Something

Let’s talk about questions to ask yourself before you buy something!

Never was it as easy as it is today to shop for stuff online. About eight in 10 Americans are online shoppers. And 67% of people say they digital window shop for fun on their smartphones, with 77% of those making an impulse purchase when they do.

When you can take advantage of exclusive online-only deals, read customer reviews, and conveniently have your credit card details already saved on your computer, it’s no wonder that online shopping is on the rise.

Whether it’s online or in-store shopping, it would be wonderful if every purchase we made was planned in advance and carefully thought through. But the truth is, almost everyone falls prey to impulse buying from time to time—some of us more often, others once in a while.

But while doing this can be fun sometimes, impulse shopping can also cause feelings of regret and guilt, not to mention debt and financial hardship. So how do you find the middle ground? There are some questions to ask yourself before you buy something that can help you avoid overspending.

Keep reading to discover them!

questions to ask yourself before you buy something
Photo by Cast Of Thousands from Shutterstock

1. Is it a want or a need?

One of the most important questions to ask yourself before you buy something is whether the thing you’re considering purchasing is something that you really need or just something you want.

Marketers and retailers work really hard to get us, the consumers, to believe that we need (or at least deserve) their product. The more they’re able to get you to believe this, the higher the chances are for you to make a purchase.

However, they aren’t looking for what’s best for you. That’s why it’s important to know which questions to ask yourself before you buy something. Retailers don’t care if the item would actually add to your life in any way or whether you can afford it. Their sole focus is to get you to buy.

So, what you should do is be honest with yourself and ask if this is actually something you need.

2. Am I purchasing this only because it’s on sale or a promotion?

No. 2 on the list of questions to ask yourself before you buy something is whether the item is tempting only because it has a discount.

Marketers are very good at marketing. The scarcity mentality of a limited-time sale can make something you are considering look like something you are definitely buying because you don’t want to miss the deal.

Ask yourself if you’d pay full price for the product. If the answer is “no,” then don’t purchase it. You don’t want to end up with lots of things you don’t need or love just because it was a good deal.

3. Is there somewhere else that sells the same product at a better price?

If you’ve decided you definitely want a certain item, see if you can get it for less elsewhere. One of the questions to ask yourself before you buy something is whether you can find the same item at another store that offers a better price. Nowadays, it’s very easy to do a quick Google search to see what competitors are selling it for.

Moreover, many stores offer price matching, so you can often buy in-store for the same price that you find online from a competitor. Take a few minutes to ensure you’re getting a good deal, and chances are you’ll be able to buy the item but save some money.

For example, you can take a look at Amazon to see if it sells what you’re looking for at a better price.

Photo by Leszek Glasner from Shutterstock

4. Why do I want this?

Next on the list of questions to ask yourself before you buy something will help you better understand the reason why you’re considering purchasing that item. Checking in with yourself on how you’re feeling and asking why you want it can provide a lot of clarity.

Are you shopping to help yourself feel better about something? Is it because you don’t want to miss out? Being honest with yourself about your reasons for buying something will help you make a better decision.

Make sure your motivations are good and that you’re not purchasing in reaction to a feeling that you have. Rarely does emotional shopping have positive outcomes.

Keep reading to discover other questions to ask yourself before you buy something!

5. Will this item make my life easier or more complicated?

Many things we see in stores talk of a good game, but fewer of them actually live up to the hype. While I’ve bought some items that simplify my life one way or another by saving me money or time, I’ve also bought quite a few things that don’t.

So, one of the most important questions to ask yourself before you buy something is whether that item would help you in some way or would just add more stuff to your home. If you’re not sure, that’s your answer right there.

Waiting at least a day before making the purchase can also help you see more clearly if the item would benefit or burden your life.

6. How many hours of work will it take to pay for this?

This is one of the questions to ask yourself before you buy something, especially when it comes to big purchases. It can really put things into perspective and help you better understand whether the financial effort is really worth it.

So, calculate how many hours of work it will take you to pay for the thing you want. Perhaps it’s the latest smartphone Apple launched or a designer suit.

Is it really worth that? While money is replaceable, time is not. If you’re working extra hours for stuff you don’t even need, it’s time to reassess your priorities.

Photo by Roman Samborskyi from Shutterstock

7. How often will I use it?

No. 7 on the list of questions to ask yourself before you buy something is whether you’ll be using the item often. If you’re purchasing something that you’re only going to use occasionally, it might not be the wisest idea to buy it.

If this is the case, consider borrowing the item, if possible. I did this recently when I was offered tickets to a Houston Astros game. I really wanted to wear an Astros shirt to the game, but I didn’t have one. I decided that I wasn’t going to spend money on purchasing a piece of clothing that I knew I was only going to wear once.

So, what I did instead was ask a coworker to borrow one of hers. I got what I wanted (wearing team gear to the game) and didn’t have to pay a single penny. Frugal win!

8. Would this purchase support my goals?

And finally, one of the most important questions to ask yourself before you buy something is whether the purchase supports the goals you’ve set for yourself.

If you’re trying to save money, is this something that fits within your budget? If you’re working to simplify your life, would this thing you want to buy help or hinder your efforts?

There are many different types of goals you can have. Make sure that what you bring into your house and your life helps further those aims rather than take away from them.

If you liked our article on questions to ask yourself before you buy something, you may also want to read 8 Best Amazon Buying Tricks That Can Help You Save Money.

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