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11 Secrets Dollar Stores Don’t Want You to Know

You’re about to learn some dollar store secrets that will help you beat inflation!

Dollar stores are popular stores where you can find cheap products for a dollar or even less. This means that you can easily get plenty of discounts and save a great deal of money by shopping in these places. Even so, there are still some things you probably don’t know about dollar stores, but you should.

In fact, there are some secrets that dollar stores don’t want you to know, but we’re here to solve the issue! In this article, you’ll dig into the many dollar store secrets that not many people are aware of.

Take notes because these secrets can end up saving you a great deal of money! Let’s get started!

dollar store secrets
Photo by emin kuliyev from Shutterstock

1. Products are cheaper because they are smaller

Here’s the first entry on our list of dollar store secrets: To keep their products at one dollar, these stores often sell smaller products compared to ordinary retailers. This can only mean one thing: Yes, you’ll be happy to save some money when purchasing the products, but you’ll eventually come back to the store to buy a new one faster than expected.

In fact, dollar stores aren’t the only type of store that relies on this sneaky strategy. There are many other renowned brands that do the same thing, and you should be aware of them.

2. Employee wages are too low

Next on our list of dollar store secrets you most likely didn’t know is that people who work in these places are underpaid. Given that only a few stores pay employees above-average wages, this is really not surprising.

In a dollar store, the average hourly salary a cashier gets is $8, while the annual salary is less than $20,000. If you compare this wage to others paid by other stores, it is very low.

Moreover, as you climb the ladder, you’ll still earn less than what you’re supposed to. For instance, the annual salary for assistant managers and managers is between $40,000 and $45,000.

3. This type of store will prosper if the economy is horrible

As long as things go south for the middle class, dollar stores will become increasingly popular, which shouldn’t be surprising given their attractive prices that draw customers. But what really keeps them financially successful is having a permanent underclass, completely depending on their products.

That’s why they gather in areas where people with lower incomes live or live in extreme poverty.

4. Household items are a bargain

Next on our list of dollar store secrets you should know is that these stores are an open market for all kinds of products. You can find lots of things in a dollar store! But what you really should be looking for in a store like this are household items.

From cleaning products to toilet paper, their prices are great. Therefore, it’s not the wrong place to stack up your supplies.

beauty products
Photo by Leszek Glasner from Shutterstock

5. Be careful when buying beauty products

There’s no secret that you can find cheap beauty products and cosmetics in dollar stores, but something that most people don’t know is that the quality of these products is often poor. According to beauty experts, the products in these categories at these kinds of stores are usually unbranded or generic and contain harmful chemicals.

In a nutshell, No. 5 on our list of dollar store secrets is that it’s best and safer to buy beauty products from pharmacies and supermarkets. Don’t forget to use coupons if you want to save some money. Or you can take a look at the many options Amazon offers!

6. It’s better to buy food elsewhere

This is one of the best dollar store secrets that you should know and remember every time you want to buy food from a store like this. Although you can buy it at any dollar store, it’s better to avoid doing so if you have other alternatives.

In other words, try to make all your food purchases at supermarkets or department stores. Avoid food shopping at dollar stores because these places sell fewer products with less quality.

Grocery chains will always offer you a wider range of products and, most importantly, fresh foods. If you avoid buying food and groceries at dollar stores, you and your family will have a better chance to eat healthier.

Keep reading to discover other dollar store secrets!

7. There are some critical differences between dollar stores

As you probably already know, there are several brands of dollar stores. You’ll find Dollar General and Dollar Tree stores to be the most common ones. Moreover, even specific Dollar Tree locations may sell very different items.

So, next on our list of dollar store secrets is something you should keep in mind when buying stuff at these places. Compared with other stores on other sides of your town, the product selection of your local dollar store may seem insufficient. It’s always best to identify which of these stores provides the best choice.

8. You can find holiday cards for only 50 cents

Next on our list of dollar store secrets is something that may come in handy before the holiday season. So, what you should know is that the dollar store is the best place to purchase holiday cards. They are suitable for all occasions, and you can find them for less than $1.

Think ahead of time about what birthdays and celebrations you’ll mark in the next six months, and stock up on these cards for these events.

Purchasing ahead ensures you’ll have them when you need them. There isn’t a better deal for them at a warehouse store or a grocery store. Keep in mind that not all dollar stores are the same.

9. You can buy online

No. 9 on our list of dollar store secrets is something that will ease your shopping experience. You probably didn’t know, but there are some dollar stores that sell their products online.

The only condition you have to meet is that you need to purchase more than one item, which is fine because most of us buy 10 or more products. Purchasing online is particularly helpful when you need several items for a party, for instance. Dollar stores can be a heaven for decorations, gifts, and other supplies.

dollar store
Photo by Tada Images from Shutterstock

10. Pre-order Christmas decorations

Speaking of decorations, No. 10 on our list is one of those dollar store secrets you should keep in mind for the Christmas season. The sooner you buy your Christmas accessories and decorations, the better prices and choices you’ll find.

For instance, Dollar Tree is popular for its wide range of holiday products, which are ideal for parties or just to make your house look lovely and festive at Christmas time.

Since the holiday season starts in November, you can start purchasing your decorations as early as August. You’ll notice that you end up saving as much as 50% off if you buy the products in October.

11. Manufacturer coupons are accepted in dollar stores

Last but not least on our list of dollar store secrets is something that will help you save some extra cash. You probably didn’t know this, but these stores accept coupons.

Even though not all the brands do, there are some, like Dollar Tree, where you can use manufacturer coupons, provided they match the purchased products and are not store-specific coupons.

Also, you can only use coupons to pay for an amount greater than $1, which means you cannot use the coupons to purchase an item for free.

If you liked our list of dollar store secrets, you may also want to read Take These 7 Bills Off of Autopay Right Now!

9 Responses

  1. I was just at my Dollar Tree and most items are now $1.25. But I disagree about your comment about food items. Canned goods are a great deal and there are a number of name brands. I just bought Campbells, Healthy Choice and Swanson canned soups. There were also DelMonte and Dole fruit and veggies in cans. Regular size cans. And the brand of Gnocchi is Pampa and from Italy. I also see same at my grocery store. I suppose all stores are different.

    1. I completely agree with you. I buy dry beans, and there’s nothing wrong with them. Also a few frozen items are great. We need to do our own research.

    2. I totally agree with you.. there definitely items or products that are cheaper than the grocery stores, etc… Still best place to shop for discounts

  2. once when traveling, we could not find a grocery store and it was the only place we could find a loaf of bread. Once while staying in a resort area, i.e. prices in the stores and restaurants were very high so we went to the dollar store and bought 1/2 pints of ice cream for $1.00 each. It was great for dessert or a snack while we watched TV. Now we only buy facial tissues at the Dollar store for $1.25 and that’s still cheaper than Sams and the grocery store.

  3. whoever throws shade on Dollar Tree has not had much experience with these stores. Or else hasn’t done much shopping anywhere over last several years. it is absolutely one of my favorite places to save a few bucks, including many canned goods, eye glasses, pet supplies, mouthwash, kitchen tools, etc, etc.

  4. Yes, I agree about canned good another replier made! I buy Healthy Choice Chicken Rice soup on line by the case because I am GF and this soup doesn’t bother me!!!!! So I buy 5-6 cases and pick it up at my local Dollar Tree. Great to have on hand in case of emergency as well!

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